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Article №193

TitleAssessing reading.
JournalNew York: Cambridge University Press. – 2000. – 23 p.
Year of publishing2000
AbstractВ pdf - неоконченная 1 глава Олдерсон (2000) отметил, что размер словаря хороших читателей L1 колеблется от 10 000 до 100 000 слов. Знание словаря читателей чрезвычайно коррелирует с их уровнем квалификации в показании шкалы и является “единственным лучшим предсказателем текстового понимания” (p. 35). Таким образом, размер словаря, вместе со способностью быстро и автоматически распознавать слова, является важным прогностическим параметром беглости чтения. J. Charles Alderson shares the trait of other leaders in educational research in his ability to provide a clear and accessible overview of a wide body of research. In Assessing Reading, Alderson presents a general introduction to reading assessment of first and second language learners which will be of interest to teachers, researchers, literacy specialists, curriculum designers and writers, and those involved in assessment. The strength of the work is surely the skill with which Alderson draws together major debates on reading and assessment, the lucidity of the prose, the writers depth of knowledge about the subject, and the practicality of the ideas concerning reading assessment practices. In Chapter 1, "The nature of reading", Alderson broaches important theoretical questions about reading assessment: whether reading assessors should focus on process or product; how test designers can best approach the testing of levels of understanding; whether the skills of reading can be tested separately; and, if so, of what these skills of reading consist. Alderson concludes the chapter by suggesting that adherence to one theoretical view of reading is unlikely to be adequate for test designers. Incidentally, the printing of most key concepts in bold in the first chapters is (unfortunately) abandoned in later chapters.
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