Title | Inhibition of saccade return in reading
Authors | Keith Rayner, Barbara Juhasz, Jane Ashby, Charles Clifton Jr.
Journal | Vision Research 43 (2003) 1027–1034
Year of publishing | 2003
Abstract | We examined the characteristics of readers eye movements as they read sentences or short passages of text and compared the durations of eye fixations preceding two types of saccades: (a) saccades to words that were fixated on the prior fixation (return saccades) and (b) saccades in which the eyes moved about the same distance but did not land on a word fixated on the prior fixation (non-return saccades). Consistent with research from much simpler attention or oculomotor tasks, we found what could be considered an inhibition of return effect: fixations preceding return saccades were longer than those preceding non-return saccades.
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